Three Men in Texas ~ Philosopher’s Rock

I always enjoy walking through Zilker Park. Right by Barton Springs there is a statue called Philosopher’s Rock that I just love!  What a wonderful local attraction. The first time I noticed it, I was taken with the laid back way these three men were …

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Dishing with Dorie ~ did you know? 1/14/18

Another chilly weekend but the sun was out with blue skies so no complaining. I received 2 offers on my single story listing in the Enclave so we are under contract! A neighbor reached out by email who is living out of the country but wants to sell hi…

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Brentwood Social House ~ "Foodie" Friday 1/11/19

I love my referral this week on a place to meet friends and family and enjoy good food in a charming neighborhood. You can even meet for afternoon tea with all the trimmings! It’s just down the street from my son’s new office building in the family fr…

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Weltanschauung ~ I still can’t pronounce it!

I understand the meaning of the word Weltanschauung but know I’m also still butchering the pronunciation! Whether it’s pronounced right or not it’s the meaning that’s important: “The guiding principles and philosophy of an organization; a world view.”…

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Respect ~ Community Guidelines

In our Active Rain forum guidelines are established to ensure as participants we represent our industry as true, transparent and professional. The very first word in our AR community guidelines is the word “RESPECT.” This is the foundation our guideli…

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Isn’t it time to rebrand the term "Aging"?

I’ve had the pleasure to meet and work with a dynamic lady selling her home and finding another that fitted her new lifestyle. Ramona Oliver is an Austin retiree who lets no grass grow under her feet. She pursues a passionate interest in positive agin…

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