JUST SOLD ~ 10401 Brimfield Dr ~ Canyon Creek

Congratulations to my happy buyers, Shyam, Lakshmy and their two adorable children who just closed on this amazing 3 story home backing to greenbelt in Canyon Creek! Home is everything. It’s also where we work, learn and play. I’m honored to continue …

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Honoring our Veterans

Ronald Regan said it best:”In our observances this Memorial Day, we honor the brave Americans who paid the highest price for their commitment to the ideals of peace, freedom and justice. Our debt to them can be paid only by our own re-commitment to pr…

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Serendipity Sundays ~ My favorite Veteran

This is the first Memorial Day weekend since my Geno left this earth last September. He is greatly remembered and not a day goes by that someone doesn’t say his name, tell a story or laugh about a name he named someone (he gave you a name if he liked …

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Article Published in Washington Post

Last March I was interviewed by the Washington Post about relocating clients. They wanted to speak to clients of mine so I suggested my clients Colleen and Brian who just closed in November 2019 on a new construction Taylor Morrision home in Montebell…

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April 2020 Homes Sales in Canyon Creek

   Home sales in Canyon Creek for April 2020 are out!
         In April 2020 the average sold price increased year over year by 8%
         The number of home sales decreased by 14%!
 In April 2019, 8 homes sold and in April 2020, 7 homes sold (three …

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