Chili Cook-off Canyon Creek 11/13/2022


The Canyon Creek HOA social committee has come up with a great idea this fall! They are sponsoring the first ever Annual Chili Cook Off! It will be held at Trailhead Park in Canyon Creek on Sunday, Nov. 13th from 2-6 pm.
Residents to en…

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Fall Suggestions and Tips

There are so many activities going on in the fall! The weather is cooler and here in Austin we have some turning leaves but nothing like other parts of the country! We have extra time to sleep, and who doesn’t like to decorate for autumn festivities? …

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Armadillo Christmas Bazaar ~ Put on your Calendar

It’s hard to believe its November and all the iconic traditions in Austin for the Christmas holidays are being posted. Tickets sell out quickly! If you plan on going it’s better to be safe than sorry, order your tickets now! One of my “must do” events…

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SOLD ~ 2621 Royal Ridge Loop Salado TX

You may remember I wrote a post last August “Going For it.” Well our contingent offer worked and we are closed and funded!                 Today’s market is challenging, but as I explained to my buyers last August, it’s also an opportunity. After find…

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Thankful Thursdays ~ Every Vote Matters

Early voting is in full swing in Austin and around the country.
It’s the fourth day of early voting in Austin. I know many of you like to wait to go on the actual election day because its a tradition. Early or on election day….get out and VOTE!

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SOLD!! 10606 Beckwood Drive ~ Canyon Creek

     The buyers fell in love with this distinctive home before it ever came on the market. They were looking at another property on a nearby street, drove by and told their Realtor they wished this house would come on the market as they loved the look…

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Tuesday’s Treasures ~ High Five Austin!

Austin FC did it….. We made history again….High Five Austin! Smashing effort from all the players! We beat Dallas and moved to The Western Conference. The scene, at Q2 stadium Sunday night after the win 2-1 was UNREAL!

Finals to take place at L…

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