NW Austin: single story on corner lot JUST LISTED Canyon Creek West 78726 www.10020barbrook.com Buyers, act decisively and you’ll have the best opportunity to buy this home as quality deals sell fast in Canyon Creek West! Click on the link above to view the exclusive website of this single story on a […]
Continue reading >June 2016~SOLD in Canyon Creek Subdivision in NW Austin 78726
Homes are selling quickly in NW Austin’s low inventory levels! Another home sold in the Canyon Creek subdivision in June 2016, courtesy of Dorie Dillard, Coldwell Banker United REALTORS. Dorie’s sellers at 10432 Ember Glen Dr. in Canyon Creek called her because of her dominance in listing homes in the community. They requested her as […]
Continue reading >NW Austin:Greenbelt side 2 story w/pool JUST LISTED Canyon Creek 78726
NW Austin: Greenbelt side 2 story with pool JUST LISTED Canyon Creek 78726 www.10204tularosapass.com Buyers, act decisively and you’ll have the best opportunity to buy this home as quality deals sell fast in Canyon Creek! Click on the link above to view the exclusive website of this greenbelt side 2 story with a […]
Continue reading >You Tube Thursdays ~ You’ve gotta love Millennials!
If you haven’t watched Micha Tyler’s hilarious video take a minute…you’ll recognize the Beatles tune of ‘oh ba la di ob la da da!’ The Watermark Church Leaders Conference opened their event with this video! They were sending the message for others to see past the stereotypes and recognize the unique potential Millenials offer! What […]
Continue reading >Why Millennials are attracted to Austin’s lifestyle
We read articles every day about why Millennials are different from other generations. Who are these people? Most all Demographers lump them in the 18-34 age group and have now surpassed the Baby Boomers (ages 51-69) in numbers. Austin is attracting large numbers of Millennials moving here through job creation from companies like Google, Apple, […]
Continue reading >Do you enjoy tech humor? Tech Monday ~ 6-27-16
This morning was Handsome Hudson’s school July 4th program…what a treat!! I loved hearing the kids singing the National Anthem! So proud to see these young ones celebrate our country’s birthday and being a part of it! We had a great weekend… Warm sunny weather, a great open house on a new listing , time for […]
Continue reading >BaseCamp ~ "Foodie" Friday 6/24/16
Who doesn’t love a great burger and ice cold beer when you’re getting ready to cheer on your favorite team? There’s a new sports bar in town getting rave reviews in downtown Austin in the Warehouse District. They’re ready for you to drop in and check them out. After a day of fun in the sun […]
Continue reading >Austin PT50 Fashion Watching the Runway for Mobile Loaves and Fishes
Amber Thomas created another memorable event for PT50 at the Mansion on June 16, 2016! What fun and even Amber walked the runway for a “wrap” of the 3rd Annual PT50 Fashion Show Fundraiser! The guys stole the show with their modeling antics and produced many loud rounds of applause!! David Burton…you may have stolen […]
Continue reading >Subtle sophistication Re-Priced in the heart of Canyon Creek NW Austin
Subtle sophistication Re-Priced in the heart of Canyon Creek www.9533indigobrush.com This stately 2 story Austin white stone at 9533 Indigo Brush Dr. Austin, TX 78726 has been Re-Priced to sell! You’ll love the dramatic foyer, sweeping staircase and gleaming 5”plank wood flooring. Guests will be sure to linger and mingle in the light/airy kitchen […]
Continue reading >Do you enjoy tech humor? Tech Monday ~ 6-20-16
A great Father’s day week-end in Austin…the weather was fantastic! Signed a listing agreement on Saturday and enjoyed date night with my Geno! Early morning breakfast with Handsome Hudson and Beautiful Beckett, BBQ with family, and coming to terms on a new construction home. Life is good!! Somehow it got be Monday morning! Grab a cup of your favorite morning […]
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